Anyone else affected by this weather? If you don't live where I live I'm sure this makes no sense but if you live in my town a week ago it was sunny, warm and tulips were starting to bloom and today it's windy, cold and off and on rainy. This weather always messes with my head! I'm not sure if I should be using the crockpot or the grill! Which I won't complain, I LOVE both! I guess I'm kinda being a baby about it but once the warm weather hits I'm ready for it to stay!
Time to get out in the sun babes.

The fluctuating weather definitely affects my energy level and my mood! When it's cloudy and rainy outside I'm way more relaxed and craving hearty soups and stews. When it's warm and sunny I feel like I have crazy amounts of energy!! I want to wear shorts, spring clean and organize EVERYTHING and barbecue. Ahhhh.....just sounds amazing. This is possibly due to the increase of vitamin D! While vitamin D can be found in a couple of food sources, it is the only vitamin supplied to us from the beautiful, intense sunshine! Don't you feel revived and refreshed when you're in the sunshine?! Yes! Just sitting outside in the sun will give you your daily allowance of Vitamin D and also make you feel super happy! So what's really important about Vitamin D? Well, let me tell you.....
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which means it dissolves in fat and is absorbed through your intestines during digestion. Vitamin D can be obtained from salmon, sardines, mackerel, egg yolks and any vitamin D fortified foods and of course Vitamin D is the only vitamin that can be obtained from the glorious sunshine! Even though the sunshine feels good and is so refreshing, always wear sunscreen to protect that beautiful skin of yours!
A really interesting fact is that Vitamin D is actually a group of pro hormones meaning it works more like a hormone and when you are out in the sun the sun actually metabolizes the Vitamin d and kicks it in gear and sends it to the liver to do its job!
Vitamin D is:
-Found in a limited amount of foods.
-Kicked into gear from sun exposure.
-Helps calcium absorption.
-Helps with immune system function deficiency of Vitamin D.
So to simply state it Vitamin D is unlike any other vitamin. Are you eating the right foods or getting that sunshine?