p>Well it's definitely been awhile since we put up a blog. We've had a lot going on. Elisha and I have finally finished our schooling for our Personal Trainer Certification. That was taking up most of our time. I am happy to say we both passed with flying colors. We are officially certified Personal Trainers. It was so great to do it together and have someone to help you along the way. So nice to finally be done with the studying and to know that we finally, both, get to do something we absolutely love and enjoy. Peronal training is in our genes. What better way to support people then helping them get in shape and to live a healthy lifestyle.
We also got a bunch of local mommas together and did a phootoshoot for Flex it Pink. Our photographer was amazing. Her captures were prefect in every way. We had everyone wearing one of our shirts. We support all these beautiful women on their journeys as they are becoming fit and healthy for themselves and for their children. We have to set good examples for them, I mean, they really do look up to us and see everything we do. I will share a couple of pics with you all from our photo shoot.

< I, Anna, decided to do my very first bikini competition. Im a nervous wreck just thinking about doing it. I am officially just about 2 1/2 weeks out. Originally, I agreed to do one November 2nd, which I'm still planning on doing, and then my friend who is doing it with me really wanted to do one early. So here I am today, prepping my little heart out to walk that stage in just a couple weeks. EEEKKKKKK!!! Maybe I'm just a little more worried about wearing the heels. What if I trip and fall!?! I'm more of a flip flop, Nike kinda gal. As soon as they get here, I'll walk in them everyday to practice. Anyways, I've been training pretty hardcore for the last couple of weeks. Lifting as heavy as I can while still having proper form. My diet, on the other hand, has been hard, but I'm still managing to stick with it and haven't had any cheats, even though I'm allowed one day to cheat. Am I crazy because I haven't used the cheat meal to my advantage? I'm sure I'm gonna do a full on out pig feast once the competition is all over. Then, I'll have to relive all this diet craziness again when I compete in November. I've also added sprinting to my workouts 3-4 times a week. Just doing 6 full out sprints for 30 seconds kicks my butt. So 30 secs full on sprint and 30 sec break. You think 'Just 6 times, I can do that no problem' Well, yeah, I wanna die when I'm done. But they really help to trim fat and shred you. Maybe you should give them a try?! But that's been my main focus now. Trying to get in the best shape of my life. I wanna be able to do good. I will post a picture of what I look like now, and then I'll post again later when it gets closer to show time. This prepping stuff is no joke, but how awesome would it be if I placed in the top 5. AHHHH I can only hope.

Wow! Nice body! :) can I ask where you went to school for personal trainer? I think I might like to go :) thanks.
Thank you so VERY much Alma!!! I appreciate your sweet comment. We both went through ISSA online course. It was great and you can work at your own pace. Maybe you can check them out online =) good luck with it if you decide to do it.