Flex it Pink Blog
I conquered cancer and began living my best life by Katie Duran
Next up in our Behind the Sweat series is the beautiful FIP Ambassador Katie Duran! Fate would have it for us to travel 5 hours to a local 5K and meet this beautiful soul. Her energy for life beams with joy and we are so happy to be a part...
Jiu Jitsu saved my life by Katie Egan
My Therapy of Choice: Jiu Jitsu Almost everyone will tell you that jiu jitsu has saved their life, or at the very least that it has changed their life. This is a fact I can and never would want to deny. Jiu Jitsu came into my life at the exact...
Behind every AMAZING woman there is a story...
Behind every AMAZING woman there is a story... Behind every POWERFUL woman there is a story... Behind every STRONG woman there is a story... These WOMAN are FLEX IT PINK STRONG and behind the sweat there was once a story to get them here. We feature some of the most brave and...
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